"Welcome to the birthplace of Mirce science - endeavour to subject the mechanisms of the motion of working systems through working processes to the laws of mathematics to predict expected work." Dr Jezdimir Knezevic

 Annals of Mirce Science

Purpose: To enable Fellows, Members, students and followers of the MIRCE Akademy to exchange their knowledge, thoughts and experience related to philosophy, mathematics, science, engineering, technology and management aspects of Mirce Science. 

The following types of original contributions are welcome:

• Presentations of the research results related to all aspects of Mirce Science
• Applications of existing Mirce Science knowledge 
• Observational knowledge that could be beneficial for further developments of Mirce Science 
• Reports, book reviews and short news that are of a general benefit to Mirce Science

Potential authors please send you contributions to Mirce.Akademy@gmail.com 

To access Annals of Mirce Science already publish click here