"MIRCE Science is a theory of the motion of working systems through Mirce Space caused by any functionability action whatsoever, used for Managing In-service, Reliability, Cost & Effectiveness. Dr J. Knezevic, 1999

Publications of the MIRCE Akademy

All written publications produced and published by the Akademy can be found in one the following two categories:

1. Scientifc Publications

2. Applead Publication

If you are interested in:

  • creating a new publication (book, monograph, case studies etc.)  relevant to Mirce Mechanics from science, mathematics, engineering or management point of view please contact us;
  • commenting on already published works by the Akademy please let us know;
  • endorsing any of the book already published we will be happy to hear from you
  • purchasing any of the books we published please click here:

For any other contribution or enquiry please contact us for more information.