"Welcome to the birthplace of Mirce science - endeavour to subject the mechanisms of the motion of working systems through working processes to the laws of mathematics to predict expected work." Dr Jezdimir Knezevic

A Brief History of the MIRCE Akademy

26 March 1999 Foundation of the MIRCE Akademy - the Mirce Akademy was founded by its President, Dr Jezdimir Knezevic.

25 May 1999 Official Opening of the MIRCE Akademy - the Akademy was officially opened at Woodbury Park by Jack Hessburg, Chief Mechanic (New Airplanes – 777) of the Boeing Commercial Aircraft Group.

25 May 1999 Scholarship Launch – the Neal Hansen Scholarship was created.

30 November 1999 The Founder’s Lecture – Dr Jezdimir Knezevic, President of the MIRCE Akademy.

30 November 1999 Dr Jezdimir Knezevic was estbalished as the first Profesor of the MIRCE Akademy

25 June 2000 Gala Dinner – Launch of Capability-Based Education and Training to an invited audience at Woodbury Park and the launch of the System Effectiveness Series Monograph "From Zero to One … Nigel Mansell's Journey"

4 December 2000  The Akademy awarded the first GRAND Fellowship to Nigel Mansell, The 1992 F1 World Champion and 1993 Indy Champion for the contribution to the Reliability and Effectiveness of Motorsport of the Global significance.

12 January 2001   Sponsorship of the Polly Vacher's solo round the world flight in the single engined aircraft in aid of The Royal International Air Tattoo Flying Scholarship for the Disabled.

17 May 2001     The Akademy awarded the GRAND Fellowship to aviatrix Polly Vacher on her world record braking 124 days solo flight around the world  via Australia and the Pacific in the smallest aircraft flown by women, at  the Birmingham International Airport, UK.

4 September 2001 Keynote Paper – Logistics Education given by Dr Jezdimir Knezevic, President of the MIRCE Akademy, at the 43rd Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society, Bath, 3 – 5 September 2001.

25 October 2001 Conference Presentation – Enhancing ILS With Commercial Concepts given by Dr Jezdimir Knezevic, President of the MIRCE Akademy, at Military Integrated Logistics, London, 24 – 25 October 2001.

4 December 2001 Mirce Akademy Annual Lecture – Hybrid Monte-Carlo Analytical Methods for Resource Optimisation delivered by Professor Arie Dubi, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

5 December 2001 Grand Fellowship Award – Professor Arie Dubi was awarded a Grand Fellowship of the MIRCE Akademy.

5 December 2001 Book Launch– From B to B .. Polly Vacher's Global Challenge, a technical monograph by Dr Jezdimir Knezevic, President of the MIRCE Akademy, describing Polly Vacher’s record breaking journey around the World via the Australia and the Pacific.

2 February 2002 Seminar Chair and Keynote Speaker – UK Ministry of Defence Reliability Centred Maintenance Seminar, Bath 2002, Dr Jezdimir Knezevic, President of the MIRCE Akademy.

4 March 2002 Conference Presentation – Achieving System Operational Success through System Operational Science given by Clive Nicholas, Director of the MIRCE Akademy, at the Second Annual Pan-NATO Military Logistics Forum, Defence Logistics 2002, Brussels, 4 – 6 March 2002.

9 April 2002 Conference Presentation – A Review of Life Cycle Costing Theory given by Clive Nicholas, Director of the MIRCE Akademy at Military Spares and Inventory Management, London, 8 – 9 April 2002.

11 April 2002 Conference Presentation – Logistics Education given by Dr Jezdimir Knezevic, President of the MIRCE Akademy, at SOLE -The International Society of Logistics Mid Atlantic Log, Hampton, Virginia, 10 – 12 April 2002.

18 June 2002 Conference Presentation – LCC, Effectiveness and Reliability given by Dr Jezdimir Knezevic, President of the MIRCE Akademy, at Life Cycle Costing in Defense, London, 17 – 18 June 2002.

14 August 2002 Conference Presentation – Logistics and System Operational Science given by Dr Jezdimir Knezevic, President of the MIRCE Akademy, at SOLE - The International Society of Logistics 36th Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, 12 – 16 August 2002.

4 December 2002 First Graduation Ceremony – the first Diploma Graduation Ceremony was held at Woodbury Park with Graduation Address by Jack Hessburg, Chief Mechanic (Retd.) of the Boeing Commercial Aircraft Group and Congratulatory Address by Nigel Mansell OBE, Grand Fellow of the MIRCE Akademy.

4 December 2002 Honorary Doctoral Diploma – Jack Hessburg, Chief Mechanic (Retd.) of the Boeing Commercial Aircraft Group was given a Honorary Doctoral Diploma of the MIRCE Akademy.

3 December 2003 Book Launch – System Engineering Science: Analytical Principles and Monte Carlo Methods by Professor Arie Dubi, Grand Fellow of the MIRCE Akademy.

1 December 2004 Mirce Akademy Annual Lecture – Voyage To The Ice delivered by aviatrix Polly Vacher MBE and Grand Fellow of the MIRCE Akademy.

1 December 2004 Book LaunchB2B over A+A, a technical monograph by Dr Jezdimir Knezevic, President of the MIRCE Akademy, describing Polly Vacher’s record breaking journey around the World via the Arctic and Antarctic.

24 May 2005 Master Class – Effective Through Life Management for Mature In-service Aircraft for Availability Performance and Whole Life Cost –a contribution by Clive Nicholas, Director of the Mirce Akademy, to Implementing Real Through Life Management Planning, Whole Life Costing and Cost of Ownership for Mature In-Service Aircraft Master Class, Military Aviation Repair and Maintenance, London, 24 – 26 May 2005.

30 November 2005 CD Book Launch – Simulation by Dr John Crocker, Fellow of the MIRCE Akademy.

10 November 2007, Moscow Road and Vehicle Institute, MADI, and the Akademy have signed the Memorandum of Understanding to support the exchange of knowledge and staff between two organisations.

4 December 2008, MIRCE Akademy Annual Lecture "Method for Predicting the Impact of Cosmic Rays on Avionics Functionability" delivered by Ian Zaczyk.

20 April 2009, Launch of the new Master Diploma Programme in Mirce Mechanics, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

June 2009, Anne Zee, the daughter of the late Dr Henryk Zienkiewich Reader in the School of Engineering of Exeter University, has donated to the MIRCE Akademy Library her father's technical books.

2 December 2009, Ian Zaczyk has become the first Master of Mirce Mechanics, MMMcs, by completing the Master Diploma Programme and defending the Master Dissertation entitled: "Analysis of the Influence of Atmospheric Radiation Induced Single Event Effects on Avionics Failures".

14 December 2010 The Society for Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management awarded the Certificate to  Dr Knezevic "For global leadership and pioneering research excellence in Mirce Mechanics", Mumbai, India.

15 January 2012, Professor Richard F.W. Bader, Grand Fellow of the Akademy, died. As a sign of his short, but significant contribution to Mirce Mechanics, the Akademy has established ".

28 -30 May, 2012, 1st World Congress of Mirce Mechanics, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

28 May 2012, Richard F.W. Bader Memorial Lecture was delivered by Professor Mark Eberhart from Colorado School of Mines, Colorado, USA.

28 May 2012, Mr Claude Hirtz, MMMcs became the first recipient of the Doctoral Diploma of Mirce Mechanics, DMMcs, by completing the Doctoral Diploma Programme and defending the Doctoral Dissertation entitled "Impact of Environment and Human Factors on Duration of Maintenance Task".

10 June 2013, Auto Racing Championship Centre of the MIRCE Akademy has been opened by Mr and Mrs Hawkins of Woodbury Park, Exeter. UK

24 July 2013  Jack Hessburg, Boeing Chief Mechanic (retired) has been awarded the Grand Fellowship of the Akademy in Seattle, Wash.,USA.

1 May 2014  Three Time F1 World Champion Ayrton Senna (1960-1994) was posthumously Awarded the Gnad Fellowship of the Akademy at the Royal Society in London to his niece Bianca Senna from the Senna Instituto, Sao Paolo, Brazil. 

1 December 2017: "The Origin of MIRCE Science" book by J.Knezevic was launched

3 May 2018: Margaret Yvonne Stringer (14 May 1938 - 3 May 2018) left the MIRCE Akademy after 15 years of devoting and the most dedicated service to the development of the MIRCE Science, from the administrative point of view.