"MIRCE Science is the theory of motions of functionability of working processes over time, compelled by natural or human actions, described by Mirce Functionability Axioms and Equations." Jezdimir Knezevic, Founder

Publications of the MIRCE Akademy

All written publications produced and published by the Akademy can be found in one the following two categories:

1. Scientifc Publications

2. Applead Publication

If you are interested in:

  • creating a new publication (book, monograph, case studies etc.)  relevant to Mirce Mechanics from science, mathematics, engineering or management point of view please contact us;
  • commenting on already published works by the Akademy please let us know;
  • endorsing any of the book already published we will be happy to hear from you
  • purchasing any of the books we published please click here:

For any other contribution or enquiry please contact us for more information.