"Welcome to the birthplace of Mirce Science - a theory of the motion of functionability through working processes, compelled by imposing natural and human actions, defined by Mirce Functionability Equation." J. Knezevic

The MIRCE Akademy Summer Schools 

1999: Analytical Tools & Techniques, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

2000: Achieving Higher Effectiveness and Total Cost of Ownership, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

2001: Systems you can rely on – Tools and Science for 21 century, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

2002: Cost Reduction Through Effective Logistics Engineering & Services, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

2003: Supportability Engineering, WoodburyPark, Exeter, UK

2004: Applied System Operational Science to Defence Equipment, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

2005: Human-Centred System Development, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

2006: Predicting In-service Reliability, Cost and Effectiveness, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

2007: Analytical and Simulation Methods for the Prediction of MIRCE, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

2008: MIRCE Mechanics for Engineers & Managers, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

2009: MIRCE Mechanics for Functionability Engineers & Managers

2010: Solving Functionability Problems using Complexity Science and MAT, WoodburyPark, Exeter, UK

2011: Business System Functionability - Mirce Mechanics winning Methods and Formulas, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK 

2012: Profit Through Maintenance, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

2013: Transition from ILS Management to Supportability Engineering, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK 

2013: Polymers: Structure, Design, Processing, Durability & Reliability, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

2014: Functionability of Maintainable System, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

2015: MIRCE Supportability Equation for ILS Managers and Supportability Engineers, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

2016: Supportability Engineering and Analysis, 12-15 July 2016, WoodburyPark, Exeter, UK

2017: Mathematical Principles of MIRCE Science, Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK 

2018: Delivering Expected Work and Expected Profit, at Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK

2019: Predicting Expected Work and Resources, at Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK.

2020: Summer School was cancelled due to the global outbreak of Corona Virus, COVID-19.

2021: Summer School was cancelled due to the global outbreak of Corona Virus, COVID-19.

2022: Summer School was cancelled due to the global outbreak of Corona Virus, COVID-19.