"Welcome to the birthplace of Mirce science - a theory of the motion of working systems through time, compelled by natural and human actions, defined by Mirce mechanics equations." Dr Jezdimir Knezevic, Founder, 1999

MIRCE Science Training Courses:

Courses listed below are fundamentals on which those functionability engineering and management disciplines are based.  Without MIRCE Science fundamentals, we are convinced, it is impossible to successfully perform design engineering tasks whose main objectives are the creation of operationally effective engineering systems that generate the least possible harmful impact on humans and natural environment. 

 The courses are  delivered at the Akademy or in-house on the agreed dates.

  Course Information Days Cost *
Probabilistic Principles of MIRCE Science
download     3  £950.00
Statistical  Analysis of Functionability Data  (with software)
  download 3 £950.00
Monte Carlo Simulation in MIRCE Science
 download 3 £950.00 
Estimation of the Reliability when Test Data are not Available download 3 £950.00
MIRCE Functionability Equation  download 3 £950.00 
MIRCE Maintainability Equation  download 3 £950.00
MIRCE Supportability Equation
down;load 3 £950.00

 * Unless special exemption exists, under UK Customs and Excise regulations delegates from all countries are required to pay UK VAT @ 20 % on all courses taking place in the UK. Non-UK delegates may be able to recover VAT incurred via the relevant tax authority in the country of origin of the delegate

Please contact us to fix the date of the course, by phone on +44 (0) 1392 874318, or by mail on the address below.

Once you have obtained a date for the course of your choice from MIRCE Akademy, please download  and complete a  Booking Form for each participant and return it by -